What's your husbands name? Dustin Bradford England "Babe"
How long have you guys been married? 4 almost 5 years
How long did you date? Well it's complicated...But I think like 5 or 6 years!?
How old is he? 27...Old man!
Who eats more sweets? Me, he even gives me his!
Who said I Love You first? Um... So long ago, but how could I forget...He did!
Who is taller? He is, Thank goodness!
Who is the better singer? We both can't sing and shouldn't!
Who is smarter? He is, but I can say when it come to hair, he's got nothin on me!
Who does the laundry? I do and it has been that way for ever! Even in college! He will have no fingers if he touches it... So he says!
Who pays the bills? mostly him
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does, But I join him sometimes! ;)
Who mows the lawn? Well we don't have lawn yet, but he will!
Who cooks dinner? Me, unless its steaks and I don't even try, cuz he is the best!
Who drives? Well Depends,If the gas is low and I don't want him to see, I jump in.
Who is the first to say they are wrong? We really don't have that problem, But mostly I do!
Who kissed who first? I will never forget, He asked me if he gets a goodnight kiss, and how could I say no, It was Dustin freekin England!
Who asked who out first? He did, But I made it very clear that I was interested
Who wears the pants? He does, But he lets me take them off every once in a while!haha
I TAG: Rena, Marci, Mandie, and Brittany (spill it girls!)